Meeting Phil Rosenthal of Somebody Feed Phil

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My husband and I started out our marriage by watching the TV show, “Everybody Loves Raymond” (ELR). We enjoyed the comedy throughout the show, and each episode made us laugh. Although the characters were a bit dramatic at times, there was always something fun about spending time together watching this show.

Somebody Feed Phil

Fast forward about 20 years and one day while on Netflix, my husband and I found the show “Somebody Feed Phil” (SFP). We began watching this TV series where Phil would embark on a culinary journey and set sail with his witty personality and endless curiosity for both food and life’s adventures. His charismatic personality will bring an infectious enthusiasm and incredible appetite to captivate his audience with his genuine love for food and people.

We became intrigued by this show and soon realized that Phil (Rosenthal) was the same guy who produced, “Everybody Loves Raymond” which made us love him even more. His humor and warmth, along with a passion for exploring diverse cultures and foods, will invite you to experience his heartwarming connection to food and friendships he develops along the way.

If you haven’t seen the Netflix series SFP I encourage you to watch it. Phil has such a loving personality and is so full of life and laughter. You will fall for his exuberant witty charm and his love of life. Phil has a passion for travel and enjoys sharing it with others, he will encourage you to follow your dreams and start out on your own travel and culinary adventure.

Straz Center for Performing Arts

When we found out Phil was coming to Tampa Florida, we knew we had to go see him. We found our tickets at the Straz Center for Performing Arts and quickly booked our tickets for this event.

The Straz Center for Performing Arts in Tampa is the center of cultural enrichment and artistic expression in the heart of downtown. There are five theaters in this world-class venue which hosts a diverse array of performances ranging from Broadway shows to ballet, opera, and concerts adding to the vibrant culture of Tampa’s landscape.

Phil Rosenthal World Tour

Phil Rosenthal World Tour

I love Phil’s personality. He is a dreamer and world traveler. He finds what he loves and has made a career out of it twice. In his early years his love of comedy transformed into a TV series that ran for nine seasons. Then later he took his love of travel and food and created a series on Netflix along with his brother, Richard. His love for food and life is infectious and will have you captivated by his stories as he meets new people along the way.

Phil Rosenthal Straz Center World Tour

Everybody Loves Raymond

During the show he was interviewed by a local restaurant owner before opening it up for questions from the audience. The show lasted about an hour and a half.

As my husband and I have started to learn more about Phil, we have discovered that so much of his comedy on the TV series, ELR was based on his real-life experiences. His parents are a hoot, and he talks to them throughout his show, SFP. Phil often calls his parents throughout the show SPF, and you can see some of their personality brought out in the TV show ELR that is true to their character.

Remember in the show, ELR, Raymond bought his parents a subscription to Fruit of the Month? Well, that happened in real life with a similar reaction from his parents. Also, Phil’s wife, Monica Horan Rosenthal, was on the show ELR. She played Robert’s girlfriend, Amy. And remember Debra, Raymond’s wife? On the show he portrayed her as not having very good culinary skills and a limited menu, well apparently Monica (Amy) doesn’t cook well in real life either, which is why he made that a part of the series on ELR.

Funny how the series depicted parts of Phil’s real life, making it even more hilarious to watch.

Phil Rosenthal book signing

Autograph from Phil Rosenthal

Here I am hugging Phil. Can you tell I was excited to meet him? Lol. After a long night he stayed to autograph his cookbook for anyone who wanted to spend an extra $50 to meet him. You had to bring your own book as they were not selling them at the show. I then got my picture taken with him for an amazing memory!

Phil Rosenthal autograph book signing

Somebody Feed Phil The Book

Follow Phil’s Advice, never give up on your dreams


If you ever get a chance to meet Phil Rosenthal, you will not be disappointed. He is a genuinely kind soul whose passion of travel is shown throughout his personality and the stories he tells. He enjoys what he does and didn’t give up on his dream of travel even after he was denied a chance for a travel TV series by a couple well known travel and food companies. He eventually found someone that was interested in his travel dream and Phil encouraged his brother, Richard, to come along on his journey and produce his new show, SFP. They are currently filming their 7th season which comes out March 2024, and I cannot wait to see it. Purchase his book Somebody Feed Phil the Book before you go, so he can sign your book if you ever get to see him in person.

Check out his two shows, Everybody Loves Raymond and Somebody Feed Phil. I guarantee you will love them both.

Take Phil’s advice, never give up on your dreams no matter how big or small they are, if they are meant to be it will happen. Maybe not exactly how you planned it but how God planned it all along just for you! Phil’s infectious joy, genuine curiosity, and his appreciation for the simple pleasures of life, show through every episode of SFP. Join him on his journey of food discovery as he shares his culinary food adventures.

Enjoy the journey,

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About the author: Jennifer 💚

I’m just a girl who loves to travel. My favorite travels have been traveling across the US in a campervan, visiting all-inclusive resorts in Mexico, marking National Parks off my list, & many smaller trips. I love to share my adventures to inspire others to travel more. If you can dream it, you can do it! Want the whole story?

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