Disclosure policy

Adopting Life’s Journey disclosure policy

Adopting Life’s Journey is a small business that values those they work with and those who take time to read and enjoy the content on this blog. Each opinion on this website is our own honest opinion. Please do your own research before putting full faith in everything you read online. We do our best to be honest in our reviews. Overtime, areas can change therefore the information provided in this blog may at some point over time, not be as accurate as it was when written. Weather, people, and time, can change an area or tourism over time, keep that in mind.

Affiliate links

This website contains affiliate links that we may earn a small commission on at no extra cost to you.

I will only share affiliate links that I would recommend. I will not add a link just to make a commission. I only add links that could benefit others, and that I would personally take my family to or one we have done ourselves.


We also participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program that allows us to earn a small commission for links that you click on to Amazon.com, as well as other affiliate programs.

3rd party content

We may at times, offer blog content on other websites. We will continue to produce honest opinions and reviews on other sites. We are, however, not responsible for that blogs content.

Sponsored posts

We also might do sponsored posts and will give our best professional blog post we can regarding that sponsor. It will be noted if it is a sponsored post.

Free products or stays

We might be given free products, tours, or stays at participating vendors. Whether they pay us, or we are given free products, the review on our website will be our honest reviews.


All of the content on this blog, including writing or photos, are owned and copyrighted by Adopting Life’s Journey, and may not be copied, reproduced, or sold without the owner’s permission. Permission may not always be granted.

Email with questions

Please feel free to send me an email with any questions or concerns. Email link below.



I am so glad you are here. I hope you enjoy my blog and find travel ideas that you can go on as a solo traveler or with your family. Reach out to me with any comments or questions.


Savoring the Journey of Recipes from Our Travels Across the United States


Our Adoption Story