My First Blog Post

Here is my first blog post. I am nervous and excited to see where this journey takes me. I may only have a few people read this blog (thanks family for your support) or maybe just maybe someday I will have 1,000’s of people reading it. Who knows!

I choose the name Adopting Life’s Journey for certain reasons. Adopting can take on two meanings. First I choose adopting because my husband and I adopted five children through the foster care system. It was a great experience and I do not know where I would be today without my family. They have made me laugh, cry and become a taxi service. I love to watch them playing sports, or trying new adventures or just sitting and watching a movie with them in the evening. Second, adopting can also mean embracing. I am embracing this journey that we are on. I choose to take each day and make the most of it. I love the stories we tell of the places we visit or laugh over our mistakes. I never know what each day will bring and I plan to grab hold and enjoy them all!

Life’s Journey is where ever my family and I go. That could be just sitting at home playing a game, going to a sporting event or traveling to a new vacation spot. When my husband and I were married we had an idea of starting a family but we had no idea our journey would become complicated yet rewarding.

Fostering other people’s children was quite a challenge. A challenge that we continued to pursue for 16 years. We loved, cried, embraced, struggled, made new memories and finally closed that journey after our 5th adoption. We can look back now and see what a crazy life that was. I sometimes do not know how we managed it all but God helped us through the challenges and gave us the strength to love both the child and their parents.

I miss parts of that journey but am so thankful that we can enjoy the time with our children as they grow into teenagers. I am excited for their next journey. I cannot wait to see their own journey as they become adults (Yikes, I really do not want them to grow up, no I am not crying!).

I hope you will follow us on our Life’s journey. I hope I can inspire you to take journey’s with your children to create some special memories. I hope to inspire my own children to travel and explore the world!

Enjoy the journey,




I am so glad you are here. I hope you enjoy my blog and find travel ideas that you can go on as a solo traveler or with your family. Reach out to me with any comments or questions.

Moving Half Way Across the US